The digestive tract must be treated as well as possible, because if there is damage it will be very heavy and difficult to repair. Under this there are several actions to maintain and care for the digestive tract and how to prevent digestive tract diseases.

1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching food.

2. Food should be hygienic.

3. Eat regularly and meet adequate and balanced nutritional needs.

4. Eat in a relaxed, unhurried atmosphere. It is not recommended to eat in a tense or nervous state.

5. Do not just swallow, take enough time to chew so that it is mixed with new saliva and then swallow. Rest a few minutes after eating to allow digestion to carry out their duties.

6. Food is quite simple but contains all the needs of the body, including fresh vegetables and fruit.

7. Avoid mental activities or heavy thinking after eating. Because most of the blood flowed into the stomach to digest food so that thinking time becomes inefficient.

8. To smoothly defecate it is recommended to consume fibrous foods every day and avoid foods that cause constipation such as cheese, white bread, and foods that are low in residue. Eat enough foods that contain vegetables because vegetables contain lots of crude fiber. In English such foods are called roughages, consisting of fibrous vegetables, fruit skins, corn, and others.

By diligently consuming vegetables and fruit, defecation (BAB) is smooth. The fiber in both of them can push the stool out. Therefore, children or adults who consume less fruits and vegetables will usually have difficulty defecating. If the food consumed contains a lot of fiber, then the rest of the food is relatively able to absorb water so that the dirt expands, the volume increases and reflexes occur every day. This is a healthy pattern because dirt can be immediately removed from the body. The period of transit of sewage becomes shorter because the disposal of sewage takes place every day.

But if consumption of fiber-poor foods results in food leftovers that accumulate in the rectum so much longer. To get rid of it takes time until the volume is enough to stimulate defecation. Finally, constipation and constipation occur because the stool stops and even hardens.

Even if it can be removed it will usually be shaped like goat dung. Large intestine will work harder. Quite often defecation must be accompanied by mules first to encourage the accumulated dirt. If it happens for days can not poop, you can imagine how the consequences.

9. Don't hold back if you want to defecate. Get used to defecating at certain times. Effect of constipation on the body. People who often suffer from constipation often do not feel healthy body, dizzy. This is caused because there are substances that actually must have been removed, reabsorbed by the intestine. Some think that constipation can lead to long-term intestinal tumors, appendicitis, injury to the intestine and so on. This is not yet true or cannot be stated. What is clear is that there is re-absorption of substances that should have been lost. If this continues, of course the body will suffer.

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