Health science as applied science (applied science) that studies about everything related to human efforts to always be in a healthy state. Health science is basically different from medical science. Medical science is more oriented to cure diseases, while health sciences broadly encompass treatment, prevention, and recovery.

Many aspects must be done by someone in order to live. At least understand how he manages his life, spiritually and physically to be healthy and in turn, his quality of life. The behavior of healthy people to stay healthy and improve is called healthy behavior, which includes behavior in preventing or avoiding disease and the cause of disease / problem, or the cause of health problems, behavior in seeking health improvement. Example: eating with balanced nutrition, regular exercise, not smoking and drinking, avoiding mosquito bites, brushing your teeth after eating, washing your hands with soap before eating and so on.

The essence of learning health sciences, according to UNESCO (Delors, 1997), includes 4 (four) levels or objectives, namely: the main pillars that must be carried out in all educational processes are :

1. Learn to know

2. Learn to do

3. Learn to be, and

4. Learn to live together.

Healthy lifestyle
One manifestation and application of learning health science is the realization of a person who has knowledge, skills about health, and the formation of a life attitude known as a healthy lifestyle. Many aspects that must be done by someone at least understand how he manages his life, spiritually and physically to be healthy and in turn lead to a quality life.

The behavior of healthy people to stay healthy and improve their health is called healthy behavior, which includes behaviors in preventing or avoiding diseases and causes of illness / problems, or causes of health problems, as well as behaviors in seeking improved health. Examples are eating with balanced nutrition, regular exercise, not smoking and drinking, avoiding mosquito bites, brushing your teeth after eating, washing your hands with soap before eating and so on.

According to Becker (1979), healthy behaviors are behaviors or activities related to maintaining and improving health, including:

1. Eat a balanced menu. The balanced menu here is a daily diet that meets the nutritional needs that the body needs both according to the amount (quantity) and type (quality).

2. Regular and sufficient physical activity. Physical activity here does not have to be sport. For someone whose job is already fulfilling physical movements routinely and regularly, actually it can be categorized as exercise. For someone whose job does not do physical activities such as managers, administrators, secretaries and so on, requires regular exercise.

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