With a healthy body, of course the soul will be good and the mind will be balanced.

A healthy body also supports you to do various activities and activities without obstacles.

Eat comfortably, sleep well and there is no need for disturbances such as bitter medicine or even staying in the hospital. Unfortunately, many underestimate the importance of maintaining health.

Health is so expensive that some people consider that health is the same as money. Then, what else is the underlying reason for you to respect yourself and your family's health?

1. Money Can Be Seek, Healthy No

Money is not everything, but the fact is all need money in order to run smoothly. This does not apply to healthy and sick. For those of you who do not care for and maintain health, sometimes the ability of money to heal is useless.

If you have chronic diseases like cancer or heart disease, even expensive treatments can only delay death or prevent it from healing.

For this reason, many people assume that money can be sought everywhere, whereas an unhealthy body will find it hard to be healthy again. From now on, prioritize the health of your body.

2. Drain your time and energy

Health does not only confiscate money. If some people work hard for money, others sacrifice time and energy to be healthy.

Just as you are pursuing a career, if you do not maintain health then you will turn to pursue healing.

Money and health are just as important, as well as time and energy. But because it is healthy can not be returned and cultivated easily it's good to be maintained.

3. Transfer of Costs

If health is maintained there will be many benefits to be gained. No need to bother to have to set aside money for treatment, you can divert costs that are not important to prepare for old age, school fees, children's education, or insurance in old age.

With the transfer of costs is also not necessary for you to strive for large amounts of money. Healthy, will not require a lot of expenses. Your body also will not be bothered by various diseases that attack.

4. Health Plan Same with the Financial Plan

Believe that not living healthy will affect your finances? So, actually this theory has been widely applied by others. Maybe some say "it's outside the country, Indonesia is different". This opinion is very wrong and reflects the lack of effort.

With a healthy diet and lifestyle, you can eat foods such as corn, sweet potatoes, cassava and wheat instead of rice.

While the price of Indonesian consumption in one meal is already very expensive, not yet snacks that actually accumulate more fat deposits. With the right lifestyle and maintaining body stability, your finances will also be stable.

5. Healthy Avoiding Laziness

Money will not come just like that, all must be cultivated and done with determination and intention. Then what to do with health? many people prefer to be lazy rather than the spirit of doing activities such as work, school or sports.

Yet with the spirit to overcome laziness, it will help the body to stay healthy and support the body to keep moving. Lazy will also make you poorer and also stupid because the brain is never honed.

It is precisely with healthy behavior that you can stay rich. Changing your lazy time around the bicycle to the office every morning might be a unique solution.

Health is also important to maintain

The most important thing is not because everyone needs money, but health is as important as money but cannot be replaced by money. Everyone always hopes to stay healthy so they can stay together with family and loved ones.

Hospitals or doctors have always been a place or profession that many people hate. If you don't want to spend money or experience poverty just don't keep your life right, then let's change your lifestyle to become healthier.

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